
My Quiet Time

            My life as a chronic pain sufferer is one of constant challenges.  In dealing with chronic pain, a therapist of mine once likened this to a full time job in itself.  It’s a constant battle to salvage and restore your emotional spiritual and physical state of well-being.  Much of the time, the physical and emotional state are the ones I will tend to focus on the most, they are the ones that the medical community focus on and thus I too will focus on.  Being in such physical pain and a Christian, my focus must first be on my relationship with Christ.  In opening up the scriptures and communicating with God, at the beginning of the day, I’m addressing the most important aspect of my life, my relationship with Him and in doing so, I will be rewarded.  Rewarded in a way that helps me with the continuing struggles of the constant pain of the day.

            In my quiet time in the morning my mind and heart are re-centered on God at the beginning of the day.  Spending time in God’s word will often bring a sense of peace that will help me with the struggles that I will encounter throughout the rest of the day.  Everyone's heart and soul can benefit from spending time in the Scriptures and talking with God.  People dealing with chronic pain and illnesses, spending time in the Scriptures is essential to maintaining calmness in the midst of the pain.

             As I begin my day, waking up from often a restless night of little to no sleep I am exhausted, spiritually, emotionally and physically.  When I go to the Scriptures and talk with God, He is able to restore my spiritualness and emotional stability.  Although the pain is still there and will progress throughout the rest of the day, I know my God is with me to help when I fall.  Relying on God is essential in helping me to restore a normal sense to my life in the midst of a never ending and relentless physical pain.

 “But when you pray, going into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret.  And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Mathew 6:6)