
The Corona Virus

While our country and the world deal with this devastating Corona virus and the Covid-19, those suffering underlying health problems like chronic pain need to be ever more prudent in keeping good health.  Chronic pain produces a great deal of stress all by itself.  Heap on top of this, the Covid-19 world crises, can lead ones anxiety to spiral out of control.

Stress and lack of good sleep are both products of chronic pain.  During this crises chronic pain suffers need to do everything they can to reduce stress.  For myself I have been developing daily stress headaches with all that is going on in my nation and community.  Develop a good healthy diet, exercise regularly and come up with activities that can reduce your stress.  That might include spending time with loved ones, watching a good movie or for me, listening to music.  In listening to music my brain becomes distracted and with less focus on the pain, its like a mini vacation from my pain.

Also, prayer, meditation and quiet time will help lower stress.  Practicing these will help to refocus on where our mind and heart need to be.  Learning to take a few minutes of the day to just be still, quiet and focused on God instead of the pain and the stress of the day are necessary to surviving chronic pain.

“Dear God, we thank you for all your blessings that your love brings to our lives.  Help our communities, country and the world along with every individual weather this storm of the corona virus and the impact it has on our lives.  Please help to calm our minds and hearts as we have reduced our lives to staying at home and the suspension of life as we know it.  Fill our hearts with hope in the day when will emerge and return to our normal daily lives.  Also, help quiet our minds of the fear and anxiety we all are feeling during these uncertain times.  Amen.”